Monday, February 4, 2013

Trends, data, forecasts...true or false?

In my business -travel, excursions, road trips and the likes- we try to learn as much as possible about our customers and their tastes, which every other month, according to surveys, seem to change 360 degrees! We learn about growing incoming markets and about the attractions their travelers look for, we compare surveys and strive to interpret the data we diligently read.

I'm confused, to say the least.

The official sources always depict a glamorous future. Others tell you that a country is your must target or that, for instance, luxury travel is the way to go. But wait, this doesn't seem to be true anymore, I just read that coach tours are hot!

Coach tours


Hands-on experiences?


It's so much fun to read about a city's growing success as the most coveted destination in the world and then see on a different report that in that same city hotel bookings have gone down! Is people spending their nights under the bridges?

Can someone tell me what would he or she do in my place? One answer could be: surf the tide! Alternatively, others may suggest to hire an expert (with a reputation for interpreting the crystal ball) and reward him/her with all my marketing budget. Or, possibly, to put my finger in the air (without forgetting to wetting the specific finger before). Remember the great Woody Guthrie's song? Put your finger in the air, and hold it right up there...Put your finger on your cheek, leave it there a week...Put your finger on your nose, and see if it grows...Put your finger on your ear, and leave it there a year...Put your finger on your finger, leave it there, let it linger....Sorry for the digression!

This is what I did: I stuck to my original business philosophy (and brand positioning, as the marketing gurus call it)  which, after 8 years is still convincing, I think. I call it gut feeling, it never fails you, my word. Sometimes Seven Directions Custom Tours even falls in one of the "travel categories" of the future!

P.S. Next time I will try to explain how to listen to your gut feeling.