Saturday, June 16, 2012

We love blue corn!

It has that different taste, kind of sweeter and nuttier than other corns. It's easy to find. and can also be used for offerings. There are very pretty bowls made by the Zunis that are perfect for holding the blue cornmeal and sit among their lovely fetishes.

Going back to tortillas, I want to introduce you to the world of tacos by suggesting the book "Taco Table" by Lois Ellen Frank. She is a formidable Native chef with a PhD in culinary anthropology. One can't go wrong with her!
Lois talking about herbs in her garden

At Seven Directions we love working with her to create unique experiences for guests who are interested in our New Mexican Native American flavors and in the history of ancient culinary traditions and ingredients. The experience begins with a tour through indigenous herbs, some touching and sniffing, engaging hands-on chores, and irreparably ends around the table.

A guest at work, grinding corn in a metate

Corn, metate, and blanket. Photo by Lois Ellen Frank

You can't find this but here!

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