Sunday, October 14, 2012

It's never too late!

If you like traveling, you enjoy discovering new cultures and meet new people, never hesitate! Today traveling can be comfortable and easy.

I just finished a fantastic seven day tour and only after my guests left I was informed that some of them were over 80. Wow! I never suspected anything!
We were on the go from early morning till after dinner and, frankly, I was pretty tired at the end of every day. I thought: oh well, I'm not so young anymore and I have to accept the changes my body is making sure I understand. Of course I tried my best to be energetic, vibrant and to never stop talking. It's not so difficult after all. One, because I really enjoy talking about what I love to people who want to listen; and two, because these places have such a long history, folklore and interesting people that it's hard to keep your mouth shut!

My guests were ready on time and never said no to a great dinner at the end of the day.

What I learned from this experience is that if you are a person with interests, curious about anything around you, enjoy the company of other human beings without necessarily picking your travel companions one by one, you are a perfect traveler. No matter your age.

I even saw that some of these more senior guests were never idle: yes!! if they had a few free minutes on the bus they would use their I-Pad to create images and draw what inspired them. OMG!!!



PS. I'm now the proud owner of an I-Pad. I went straight to the store at the end of the tour!