Monday, September 2, 2013

Where is Home?

I don't know anymore! Do I have to know where home is for me? No, I don't. Since I am who I am, home is where I have friends and people I like (who like me too!), where the sky is an important daily presence, where I can "touch" nature and, most important of all, where I can be myself and speak my mind. Well, this last one is not an easy factor in my search of home!

Let me try to make lists and see where I land.

The world:
Pros: exciting, all new, discovery, a lot of beauty and culture, surprises. new people.
Cons: I can get lost and feel miserable (good for a short time provided I have a lot of money), last-minute friends, many unhappy situations...and so on, and so forth.

Pros: my original home, lots and lots of friends and contacts, a tiny bit of family, my roots, my culture, tons of memories, my houses, my family grave, much affection, generosity, FOOD, beauty
Cons: been there-done that, we are all older and sentiments may have change, too crowded, horrible political and economical situation not ending any time soon, deja-vu
At my (ex) country house
What I loved about this place was the presence of fig trees,a tiny vineyard, and a welcoming rosemary bush in front of the house, plus many mulberry trees with red and white fruits!
Torino, where I grew up

New Mexico:
Pros: a special beauty with a magic touch, a lot of nice and interesting people, my casita, a work I created and enjoy, cultural stimulation, animal world not too far away, easy life style, freedom (if you know how to use it and are able to spend a lot of time on your own), a challenging place both in a positive and negative sense,  I can create my life every day without any strings attached, affordable as opposed to Italy, friends are friends because they like you not for your name (not always true...), the mix of Latino and Anglo culture is good, the Native American influence is important, vastness
Cons: too many "entitled" people, too many "private" and self involved people, too much backward thinking and too little innovation, no sense of customer service (don't get me started...I could write a really fun book with all the unimaginable terrible experiences I have through my work), lack of a strong support system (I really can't stand when I'm told, intended to be of help "It's going to be all right"),

My Santa Fe casita

The roof deck

The emptiness of New Mexico

P.S. I didn't mention my cats as they were with me everywhere, although not the same ones. Morgan 1, Morgan 2, Charlotte, Willie, the black one I can't remember the name of, and now Principe and Gracie. Many more have been in my life, their names are gone but not their darling faces.

Of course these lists are limited but enough to ponder. Now.....

Any idea?